Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Rushed like mad to get to Stever's, our favorite local chocolate shop, only to find other Easter Bunny procrastinators forlornly standing in a line that literally ended at the door. Wouldn't be SO bad, but, this little store seems to pride itself on wrapping all the little bunnies SO carefully ,protecting them from bunny bruises,donning them in candy-condoms, so to speak,that it takes FOREVER. Oh, and, I had to listen to the grandma in front of me go on and on about how she only needed ONE THING...well worn furrow of candy martrydom proudly etched upon her brow. I was in line 15 minutes and moved up 2 feet. Cut to the chase...bagged Stever's, hit Eckert across the street, and scored 2 battery operated pencil sharpeners just like the much beloved one that worked like a dog for us until I dropped it to its' death last month. A few more over priced candies and I dropped 80 bucks like nothing! And I still need the Stever's bunnies!

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