Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lighten Up!!!

Michael [my husband] and I spent all day cleaning gutters and pitching stuff out of the bulging garage. A van load of keepers made it to the storage shed. I am a saver. Can never throw a thing away. I am sentimental to a fault. I make up little histories in my head about the old castoffs I find thrifting or at the side of the road. I feel as if every object has a story to really just have to listen. But all of this keeping and rescuing can lead to some serious over crowding of the house. Now that we are planning a big move[fingers crossed!!!] to a house we love, I seem to have become a different person. I am giving armloads to goodwill. I'm kickin' some of it to the curb. My daughter Maggie delights in watching passing cars slow and then turn around. "Mommy! Somebody's taking our junk!!!" I couldn't be happier. I don't know what has come over me. But I like it. I am casting off and passing on whatever I can part with...keeping only what we truly love. [Well, that's the goal, anyway!]And I am starting to feel a load lighten. I feel free. I feel like we are starting over again. Getting a fresh start in a new house. I am so excited!


Teri M. said...

I'm trying to remind myself that that light feeling is worth all the work it takes to get there. Cuz holy moly, I gotta do some purging! You're an inspiration. :)

meno said...

It's a constant dance between my husband and myself. I am a tosser-outer and he is a hoarder. I love the feeling that getting rid of tons of stuff gives me.

It's only occasionaly that i throw out something that i needed. Oooops.