Saturday, November 11, 2006


Has been 14 days packed with the good, the bad, and the ugly.[you be the judge] Been busy angsting over a real estate deal gone baaaaaad [no new house ], a mighty virus that is making the rounds of our house [nasty bastard] and assorted mini anxieties blah blah blah blah blah blah.Halloween was a warm success. We made the rounds with a french girl in beret and a pleather clad batgirl. We always head to our old city never disappoints. Incredible displays of Halloween spirit by the adults ....hanging ghosts that drop on unsuspecting passersby....a wacky doctor with an unidentifiable accent 'performing' brain transplants on trick or treater...and so much more. So fun! Also have been busy spending time at tweeny concerts [Cheetah fun....the girls had an absolute blast. They shook their $5 glo sticks and screamed on command. Yea, yea,I am not oblivious to the commercialization etc....but they really had a BLAST....... even waited outside the stage door and spied the gals themselves! Oh! Squeals of joy!] So, just in case ya think we're twisting our kids with tweeny concerts,and letting them mainline teen magazine idols, I also took them to meet Hillary Clinton at a luncheon hosted by their daddy. They sat thru 30 minutes of Hillary's talk on health care and then met her and got her autograph. They were suitably bored...however,Maggie WAS extremely impressed with the array of cookies served aferwards.[And just in case you wondered, there was not one squeal of teeny bopper joy at the Hillary thing.]

The rest of my time has been spent junkin' at my usual haunts. I hope to learn to post pix this weekend so that I may share my acquisitions with you all.

1 comment:

Teri M. said...

Sounds like a great Halloween! Hope things have improved in all the other areas since... update us when you can!