Friday, August 22, 2008

Can it be? Can summer be winding down? I can hardly believe it. There have been crinkly leaves shed over the lawn lately. No way! I think. The hydrangea is in spectacular bloom. And the farmers markets are full of tomatoes,squash,early apples and ...gulp...mums. No,no,no!But truth be told, I am a fall lover. I love the woodsmoke scented air,the tummy hiding bulky sweaters,the apples,the cider,the guiltless feeling of staying indoors. I say guiltless,because here in Upstate NY, when our weather is warm I feel like I should spend every minute enjoying it outside. Winter is longggg and coldddd. Ans so,in fall,I can cut myself some slack and enjoy cleaning out closets and rearranging furniture without the feeling that I am wasting the sun.

So today,I am gardening,and soaking up the late summer sun....cuz I know it won;t be long till winter winds blow.

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